Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de slip

to slipresbalar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I slipyo resbalo
you sliptú resbalas
he slipsél resbala
she slipsella resbala
we slipnosotros resbalamos
you slipvosotros resbaláis
they slipellos resbalan
they slipellas resbalan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I slippedyo resbalé
you slippedtú resbalaste
he slippedél resbaló
she slippedella resbaló
we slippednosotros resbalamos
you slippedvosotros resbalasteis
they slippedellos resbalaron
they slippedellas resbalaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have slippedyo he resbalado
you have slippedtú has resbalado
he has slippedél ha resbalado
she has slippedella ha resbalado
we have slippednosotros hemos resbalado
you have slippedvosotros habéis resbalado
they have slippedellos han resbalado
they have slippedellas han resbalado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had slippedyo había resbalado
you had slippedtú habías resbalado
he had slippedél había resbalado
she had slippedella había resbalado
we had slippednosotros habíamos resbalado
you had slippedvosotros habíais resbalado
they had slippedellos habían resbalado
they had slippedellas habían resbalado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will slipyo resbalaré
you will sliptú resbalarás
he will slipél resbalará
she will slipella resbalará
we will slipnosotros resbalaremos
you will slipvosotros resbalaréis
they will slipellos resbalarán
they will slipellas resbalarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have slippedyo habré resbalado
you will have slippedtú habrás resbalado
he will have slippedél habrá resbalado
she will have slippedella habrá resbalado
we will have slippednosotros habremos resbalado
you will have slippedvosotros habréis resbalado
they will have slippedellos habrán resbalado
they will have slippedellas habrán resbalado

I would slipyo resbalaría
you would sliptú resbalarías
he would slipél resbalaría
she would slipella resbalaría
we would slipnosotros resbalaríamos
you would slipvosotros resbalaríais
they would slipellos resbalarían
they would slipellas resbalarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have slippedyo habría resbalado
you would have slippedtú habrías resbalado
he would have slippedél habría resbalado
she would have slippedella habría resbalado
we would have slippednosotros habríamos resbalado
you would have slippedvosotros habríais resbalado
they would have slippedellos habrían resbalado
they would have slippedellas habrían resbalado

Participio presenteAnotado
slipping resbalando

Participio pasadoAnotado
slipped resbalado

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